The Second Coming
Did you know that before Jesus died at calvary, he foretold that he would come again and what it would be like when he returned to earth?
Did you know that Jesus told all of his disciples that they would find that which they disapproved of in him to the point that they wouldn’t acknowledge him and on the very same night it happened?
Did you know that when Jesus left out from the temple and after calling the leaders who were learned in the sacred scriptures snakes, progeny of vipers, that he said how is it that you will escape the judgement of hell?
These are three very important questions linked up to the second coming of Jesus. He told his disciples when leaving out of the temple building that there will not be left in that place a stone upon a stone which shall not be thrown down.
Jesus Is The TRUTH
If Jesus says something is going to happen, it’s going to happen. Just because judgement isn’t coming suddenly doesn’t mean it’s not coming. It is on record that the temple was destroyed. Many don’t believe the Word of God, but you can’t deny historical facts that have been documented. And specifically by first hand eye witnesses who weren’t Christians. Jesus is the last sacrifice and the temple was still sacrificing, which had been done away with after calvary. God couldn’t let this practice continue after what his son Jesus had done to redeem man back to God. His blood is the only blood that washes away our sins. No animal could ever fulfill this for for mankind.
In the year 66 AD the Jews of Judea rebelled against Rome. By the year 68 resistance in the northern province had been eradicated and the Romans turned their full attention on Jerusalem. Titus the son of Vespasian the declared Emperor. Had his son Titus to lead the assault on Jerusalem. By 70 AD the attackers had breached Jerusalem’s outer walls and began ransacking of the city. The assault culminated in the burning and destruction of the Temple that served as the center of Judaism just as JESUS foretold.
Many know of the famous Jewish historian Josephus Flavius. He gave a first hand account of the Roman assault on the Temple as was a former leader of the Jewish Revolt who had surrendered to the Romans and won the favor of Vespasian. Josephus even took on the name of the his captures family name – Flavius as his own as a since of gratitude.
We join his account as the Romans fight their way into the inner sanctum of the Temple:
“…the rebels shortly after attacked the Romans again, and a clash followed between the guards of the sanctuary and the troops who were putting out the fire inside the inner court; the latter routed the Jews and followed in hot pursuit right up to the Temple itself. Then one of the soldiers, without awaiting any orders and with no dread of so momentous a deed, but urged on by some supernatural force, snatched a blazing piece of wood and, climbing on another soldier’s back, hurled the flaming brand through a low golden window that gave access, on the north side, to the rooms that surrounded the sanctuary. As the flames shot up, the Jews let out a shout of dismay that matched the tragedy; they flocked to the rescue, with no thought of sparing their lives or husbanding their strength; for the sacred structure that they had constantly guarded with such devotion was vanishing before their very eyes.
…No exhortation or threat could now restrain the impetuosity of the legions; for passion was in supreme command. Crowded together around the entrances, many were trampled down by their companions; others, stumbling on the smoldering and smoked-filled ruins of the porticoes, died as miserably as the defeated. As they drew closer to the Temple, they pretended not even to hear Caesar’s orders, but urged the men in front to throw in more firebrands. The rebels were powerless to help; carnage and flight spread throughout.
Most of the slain were peaceful citizens, weak and unarmed, and they were butchered where they were caught. The heap of corpses mounted higher and higher about the altar; a stream of blood flowed down the Temple’s steps, and the bodies of those slain at the top slipped to the bottom.
When Caesar failed to restrain the fury of his frenzied soldiers, and the fire could not be checked, he entered the building with his generals and looked at the holy place of the sanctuary and all its furnishings, which exceeded by far the accounts current in foreign lands and fully justified their splendid repute in our own.
As the flames had not yet penetrated to the inner sanctum, but were consuming the chambers that surrounded the sanctuary, Titus assumed correctly that there was still time to save the structure; he ran out and by personal appeals he endeavored to persuade his men to put out the fire, instructing Liberalius, a centurion of his bodyguard of lancers, to club any of the men who disobeyed his orders. But their respect for Caesar and their fear of the centurion’s staff who was trying to check them were overpowered by their rage, their detestation of the Jews, and an utterly uncontrolled lust for battle.
Titus |

Most of them were spurred on, moreover, by the expectation of loot, convinced that the interior was full of money and dazzled by observing that everything around them was made of gold. But they were forestalled by one of those who had entered into the building, and who, when Caesar dashed out to restrain the troops, pushed a firebrand, in the darkness, into the hinges of the gate Then, when the flames suddenly shot up from the interior, Caesar and his generals withdrew, and no one was left to prevent those outside from kindling the blaze. Thus, in defiance of Caesar’s wishes, the Temple was set on fire.
While the Temple was ablaze, the attackers plundered it, and countless people who were caught by them were slaughtered. There was no pity for age and no regard was accorded rank; children and old men, laymen and priests, alike were butchered; every class was pursued and crushed in the grip of war, whether they cried out for mercy or offered resistance.
Through the roar of the flames streaming far and wide, the groans of the falling victims were heard; such was the height of the hill and the magnitude of the blazing pile that the entire city seemed to be ablaze; and the noise – nothing more deafening and frightening could be imagined.
There were the war cries of the Roman legions as they swept onwards en masse, the yells of the rebels encircled by fire and sword, the panic of the people who, cut off above, fled into the arms of the enemy, and their shrieks as they met their fate. The cries on the hill blended with those of the multitudes in the city below; and now many people who were exhausted and tongue-tied as a result of hunger, when they beheld the Temple on fire, found strength once more to lament and wail. Peraea and the surrounding hills, added their echoes to the deafening din. But more horrifying than the din were the sufferings.
The Temple Mount, everywhere enveloped in flames, seemed to be boiling over from its base; yet the blood seemed more abundant than the flames and the numbers of the slain greater than those of the slayers. The soldiers climbed over heaps of bodies as they chased the fugitives.”
Josephus’ account appears in: Cornfield, Gaalya ed., Josephus, The Jewish War (1982); Duruy, Victor, History of Rome vol. V (1883).
Second Coming of Jesus
Okay you’re probably saying Pastor Andre, what does all this have to do with the second coming of Jesus?
Three words “Forethought” , “Wisdom” and “Prudent”!
Forethought – careful consideration of what will be necessary or may happen in the future.
Wisdom – the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
Psalm 111:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments…..
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 2:7 He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.
Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that gets understanding.
Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all they getting get understanding.
Proverbs 8:11 For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.
Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Prudent – acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
In the book of Matthew 25: 1-13. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like 10 virgins who have taken their torches to go and meet the bridegroom. He said 5 are without “Forethought” and “Wisdom” and five who were “Prudent”. And while the bridegroom was delaying his coming, they fell asleep. Then at midnight they heard an outcry, Behold the bridegroom. Be going forth to meet him. And those without forethought and wisdom said to those who were prudent, Give us at once some of your oil, because our torches are going out. The prudent virgins said no, because we may not have enough for us and you. So go buy from those who sell for yourselves.
While they were out buying the bridegroom came and those who were prepared went in with his to the wedding, and the door was closed. And later came the rest of the virgins saying Sir, Sir, open at once to us.
And answering he said, Assuredly, I am saying to you, I do not know you. Be ever on the watch therefore, because you do not know the day, neither the hour.
It’s too late for those who aren’t prepared after he comes, but you can get prepared now if you’re reading this before his second coming.